Bambi (1942)

Hey Everyone! Sorry it’s been so long. I have been trying to figure out how to shorten this post up for a probably 2 months now, so I decided to just forget shortening it and post the whole thing. Sorry in advance for its length, I guess I had a lot to say. So lets get down to the review of Bambi!


Original Disney Poster

Quick Facts: 

  • Movie Title: Bambi
  • Year: 1942
  • Rating:  NR
  • Length: 69mins
  • Tagline(s): “Love Comes To The Forest Folk…and to you, in one of the world’s greatest love stories!”, “Walt Disney’s multiplane technicolor feature”, “A Great Love Story.”
  • Production Company: Walt Disney Productions (as Walt Disney Pictures)
  • Major Actors/Actresses: Bobby Stewart (Baby Bambi), Donnie Dunagan (Young Bambi), Peter Behm (Young Thumper), Stan Alexander (Young Flower), Hardie Albright (Adolescent Bambi), Tim Davis (Adult Thumper/Adolescent Flower), Sam Edwards (Adult Thumper), John Sutherand (Adult Bambi), Sterling Holloway (Adult Flower), Cammie Kin Conlon (Young Faline), Ann Gillis (Adult Faline), Will Wright (Friend Owl), Paula Winslowe (Bambi’s Mother/Pheasant), Fred Shields (Great Prince of the Forrest), Margaret Lee (Thumper’s Mother), Clarence Nash (Bullfrog), Merion Darlington (Birds), Thelma Boardman (Girl Bunny/Quail Mother/Female Pheasant).

Fun Fact 1: During the production of Bambi, Walt Disney insisted that children play the voices of animals in his animated feature. The end of the feature alludes to the fact that Bambi becomes know by all as the “new” great prince of the forest. Donnie Dunagan, the voice of Young Bambi, later grew up to join the Marines. Over the course of 21 years he was promoted 13 times, a record for the Corps at the time. During this time he kept this role quiet in fear of picking up the nickname of his character. Ultimately he had a remarkable career becoming the youngest drill instructor in its’ history, rising the the rank of Major and serving in the Vietnam War where he would be decorated for valor and wounded three times. Both he and his character became very well known.

Fun Fact 2: There are approximately only 1,000 words of dialogue throughout the entire film.

Fun Fact 3: Two asteroids have been named after Bambi and Thumper.

Fun Fact 4: One key scene of the novel missing of the film is Bambi’s realization that man is neither all powerful, nor immortal. It comes when the Prince of the Forest shows Bambi the corpse of a man shot by a fellow human. In addition, one of the discarded ideas for the film was to depict Bambi’s mother death on screen. It was regarded as too dramatic to include. And you thought Bambi was already sad…


A drawing of the scene which was ultimately cut of the man killed by a fellow human.

A Note: I want to take a minute to talk about the note at the beginning of the film which is pictured below. The note thanks a man named Sidney A. Franklin for his collaboration on the film. Unfortunately, I had a lot of trouble finding information about this but as near as I can tell Franklin was a director/producer that specialized in adapting books and Broadway plays at the time. In reading an article about a large dispute over the rights of Bambi, it would appear that the author of the book Bambi, Felix Salton, sold Franklin some of the rights to the movie who subsequently sold them to Disney. Based on the fact that Disney felt the need to thank him in the beginning of the movie, it is my guess that Franklin may have given suggestion and/or helped adapt the book into a movie.


The note at the beginning of the film

First Thoughts: While this is another one of those movies where I can’t actually remember the first time I saw it as I was too young; upon watching it again, I found myself realizing just how much more there is too Bambi then I remembered. While I have always loved Bambi as a Disney character, the movie is sad, so I don’t watch it that often. Before re-watching it I would have said that what happens in Bambi is that Bambi is born, meets a few friends, then goes to the meadow, his mother is shot, his dad raises him, and there is a fire. That’s all I remembered happening. So I was surprised to learn I was forgetting about some of the best parts! In short, my first thoughts are that Bambi is its so much better than I remembered!

Analysis of the Movie: I will admit, at the very start I had a little bit of trouble deciding what I should talk about but once I started thinking a little bit I found quite a few things I wanted to talk about in the movie. So here it goes:

The Circle Of Life: I know what your thinking, isn’t that one in The Lion King, not Bambi? And that’s what I thought until I re-watched this movie. But the truth is from start to finish is one big story of the real circle of life. Much like in The Lion King, we see a similar idea unfold in Bambi from his birth to the birth of his twins as well as the changing of seasons to the raging forest fire to the new growth. All of this shows us the natural circle of life. In the beginning of movie we see the day to day life of the forest animals, followed by the birth of Bambi. We then follow Bambi and his mother through his first year of life as they show the trees change to Fall colors then the coming of winter with the first snow. They include the harsh realities of survival as a deer during winter as food becomes scarce to find; followed later by the joy of finding new grass breaking through the snow as spring arrives. Interestingly, we see how the circle of life is also affected by man through the death of Bambi’s mother as well as the forest fire caused by an unattended camp fire. This burns up everything in its path and put many of the forest critters lives in danger. All in all though, life eventually returns to normal as the animals return to the forest and new life begins to grow and thrive there. This ultimately brings the circle of life to a close as we see Faline give birth to twins and Bambi takes his place as a “Great Prince of the Forest” next to his Father, signifying that the circle of life continues.


The Forest Beginning to come back to life after the forest fire

The World Through the Eyes of A Baby: One of the things I found particularly entertaining were the scenes where Bambi is learning about the new world around him. Of course he meets his main friends, Thumper and Flower, but as he is walking about through the forest he also meets some peculiar characters such as a mole digging through the forest, some possums hanging upside-down from a tree, and entire like of baby quail following their mother. While these behaviors are normal to everyone else in the forest, for Bambi, seeing them for the first time makes them seem kind of strange. Later on, he learns about things like snow and ice, again something that everyone else is used too, but to Bambi it is a strange and scary new situation. My point in all this is to say that the world looks different when your a baby or a kid. There is a wonder-lust there that comes from a lack of experience that makes things almost seem magical in the eyes of a child and I like that it is displayed in this movie so well. It is not often we think about how things look from a child’s perspective, at least in my opinion, so I like that this point out how different and crazy regular things seem to Bambi.

NOTE: The next two section are entirely about the behaviors of animals and is about 900 words. If you would like to skip this part click here.

The Demeanor of the Animals (except Deer): While I won’t get into the major arguments over the type of deer Bambi is meant to be and the type that he is in the movie, I do want to talk about Disney’s portrayal of some of these animals. During the movie I noticed some moments where animal behaviors are depicted and I started wondering how accurate they were displayed. Having grown up in an area with quail, I know that these are accurately shown as in Spring I have seen lines of quail running around near our house. I also know that owls are typically loners that sleep during the day so the Owl is pretty well done as well. Rabbits tend to be into everything, at least near my house, so Thumper is also pretty accurate. The rest I had to do a bit of research on. According to, skunks do not actually hibernate all winter; however, they often get snowed into their dens so they will sleep more and only come out when enough of the snow has melted to look for food. That being said, while in the movie, Flower is asked if he is hibernating and says yes, there also was quite a bit of snow in front of his den and Bambi says that winter has just started. So, while technically the information is wrong that skunks hibernate, at the very beginning of winter with all that snow in front of his den, Flower would probably be sleeping at that time. The possums hanging upside-down from a tree is also incorrect according to They say that possums rarely hang this way from a tree as they could only do it for a short time due to their body weight. Interestingly, while looking for this information I learned a lot about possums including the fact that due to hunting, cars, and exposure the average lifespan of a possum in the wild is as short as two years! Sad, but true. If you would like more info on any of these animals I will put links some articles that I found interesting at the end of this post.

The Demeanor of Deer: If your wondering why I did a separate section for the deer it’s because I have a bit to say about this and the last section was getting long. There were a couple things in particular I wanted to find out about deer that are displayed in this movie and they are mainly all from the same scene which can be seen in these two videos:



In total this is about 5 minutes of the movie where we see Bambi seeing all the other male deer jumping through the meadow and then the “Great Prince of the Forest” comes onto the meadow and everyone is still. Furthermore, the Great Prince stops and looks at Bambi. Then in the second of the clips we see the Great Prince come and warn the other deer of Man being nearby by stomping his front feet. Okay so, I wanted find out if deer actually do these things. So here’s what I learned (again Ill post the article down at the bottom). While the eldest and most experienced deer usually does lead a herd, a herd is generally all does and babies under a year old. Once a buck reaches a year old the alpha doe will drive him from the herd. Males are typically loners; however, the most seasoned Buck generally gets first choice at territory and breeding does. Therefore, the Great Prince is kind of displayed accurately as he is a loner and I supposed technically the does in the herd would belong to him as they are in his territory. During breeding Bucks will stay in a herd so the large herd of male deer may actually also be accurate although I don’t know that there would be that many and they probably tend to find a herd of does to hang out in rather than a herd of all males. Males do congregate during times when food becomes scare in an effort to work together to find food and shelter as this provides a better chance for younger bucks to survive. As far as the encounter between Bambi and the Great Prince, as far as I can tell, this is acurate. I have searched several education sites about deer, and as near as I can tell when two deer meet if dominance has already been established then that dominance is respected through zero body contact and no eye contact. If required a short fight will occur to establish dominance. While I could find no information on a fawn actually meeting a buck, I can only assume that in such a situation the fawn would either respect the dominance of the buck or would very quickly learn he is below said buck and give him respect much like Bambi does. As far as the way the deer jump, white-tail deer do jump the same way they do in the movie, which in the movie Bambi is supposed to be a white-tailed deer (I won’t get into how this differs from the original book). Lastly, in times of danger, a deer, male or female will stomp it’s feet to indicate danger to other deer in the area. All that being said, Disney does fairly well showing the correct behaviors of deer in the forest.


Bambi and his Mother vs a real Doe and Fawn, The Great Prince vs a real adult Buck

Twitterpated: All I have to say about this is OH MY GOSH! How have I possibly forgotten about this scene! Not only is Owl’s description hilarious but the reactions of Flower, Bambi, and especially Thumper are even funnier! If you need a definition of “twitterpated,” here is what the owl in Bambi has to say about it:

Nearly everybody gets twitterpated in the springtime. For example: You’re walking along, minding your own business. You’re looking neither to the left, nor the right, when all of a sudden you run smack into a pretty face. Woo-woo! You begin to get weak in the knees. Your head’s in a whirl. And then you feel light as a feather, and before ya know it, you’re walking on air. And then you know what? You’re knocked for a loop, and you completely loose your head!…And that’s not all! It can happen to anybody!

Now, Im sure many of us have been in that place where everyone else is dating or getting married and your still single…believe me I know what this is like. And I think our friendly owl here is caught up in the same scenario. Technically speaking, I believe he would be a Great Horned Owl, a species which typically mates for life and becomes quite close to its partner. He’s just waiting to find that right girl for him and then he too will be twitterpated! As for Flower, Thumper, and Bambi, they fall into the springtime twitterpated situation quite quickly and are just adorable once they do! Although, Bambi does seem to try to get out of it ultimately he falls in love; however short, due to Ronno showing up, eventually forcing him to prove his new found love. But seriously guys, is this not a perfect description of falling in love?

That Moment Where Disney Sentenced Us To Cry Over Bambi Forever: Okay, so not that I want to talk about this scene but it does have to be mentioned because there are only a handful of Disney scenes that make me cry but this one is one of the worst. And the thing that does it isn’t even the fact that his mother dies. It’s the forlorn crying out for his mother that kills me ever…single…time! Because he initially thinks of it almost as a game and thinks they escaped unharmed only to find out that his mother did not. And those moments where he is walking around calling for his mother are just heartwrenchingly sad. And on top of that you know that “Man” is responsible which just makes me feel horrible for being a human. Kind of amazing how Disney could make generations of people feel like they are part of a horrible species through the single sound of gunshot and a forlorn cry…

The Soundtrack: I want to take a minute to talk about the soundtrack of this movie. First of all, the composer did a fantastic job here. As mentioned up in my fun fact section, there are only around 1000 words of dialog in this movie. For perspective, I checked, and the average number of words of dialog in a 100 minute movie is 10,000-12,000. That means Bambi largely gets its message across through music, sounds, and drawings. Since this movie is now considered a beloved classic, I can’t help but think how amazing this little movie is. As far as the soundtrack goes we have the main title song, “Love is a Song” which contains beautiful vocalizations. Then we have the song “Little April Shower,” a brilliant song putting musical notes to the sounds of a spring shower and using that music and song to further show the intensity and lack there of at different times during the storm. Then we have the song, “Let’s sing a gay little spring song.” I had forgotten about this song but I am now in love with it! It just totally describes that feeling you get when Spring finally comes and is nice outside and you just feel happy. I guess technically the birds are twitterpated when they are singing but I still like the song. Then we have the song, “Looking for Romance (I bring you a song).” This song is more of a slow sweet song to show Bambi and Faline falling in love after Bambi fights to “save” Faline from Ronno. It’s really a great soundtrack. We have the catchy happy song, the beautiful song, the romantic song, and the well-known song! A perfect set of four for such a movie! 😉

The Use of Color: As I mentioned above, this movie relied heavily on music and pictures to convey messages. One thing I noticed was the use of color through out the movie. The movie uses background color as a way to convey feeling. For example, in the scene where Bambi fights for Faline you get a sense of fear, anger, and danger from the background color of red. The music also reflects this as well. But in, say, the Twitterpated scene, there are birds singing, there are spring flowers everywhere, and the sky is sunny and blue. Its a beautiful day. They also use whether to convey emotion. For example, when Bambi is told his mother is gone, it is heavily snowing. This is a device that even book writers use. Snow and winter tend to represent sadness, bleakness and/or death. By making it snow it changed the mood to this idea and then it really drives home the emotion when Bambi receives the news. Seriously, in any story if winter hits or it begins to rain or snow you can probably expect that something depressing is about to happen.

That Tiny Mouse: I would also like to take a final moment to talk about this little mouse that I spotted throughout this movie! Can I just say, this mouse is BRILLIANT! First, when he first wakes up he grabs a little dew drop and uses it to get a drink and wash his face. Then later in the movie, he cleverly hides under mushrooms and runs under a mother quail’s tail feathers until he finds a place to hid during the April shower without getting too wet. I just think he is a brilliant little mouse!

Why? So we have arrived at that moment where you want to ask, so why did Disney make this movie about all these little forest critters and deer with the terribly sad scene that makes everyone feel crummy. Did he just wish us all pain and suffering? The answer is no, he just had a point to make thats all. Sometimes the best way to do that is to hit people where it hurts. Now in addition to the obvious lesson/point of the movie, I have found some additional lessons as well.

No Hunting: Okay, see, I told you, obvious point. And this was Disney’s main point in creating Bambi. He wanted to point out the damage we as humans had on the species around us. The hunters do two things that majorly effect the life of the animals in the forest. 1. They hunt…hence their names…forcing the animals to scatter in a panic for their lives and ultimately orphaning Bambi, and 2. They start a raging forest fire. The forest fire has an effect on all of the animals in the forest as they are all forced to flee to safety across a body of water risking the lives of themselves and their babies. If they had stayed they certainly would have died. Now, this point has been fought by a lot of people since this movie came out as hunters did not like the depiction of hunting displayed. This is probably due to the fact that hunters are supposed to follow certain ethical rules, one of them being that you NEVER shoot a doe that has babies nor do you kill babies. Many hunters do follow this rule as well as other ethical rules. As I am not a hunter, I am not familiar with all of the rules but they do exist. So just so you all know, your not a part of a totally heartless species…hunters do have standards and ethics. All right that’s all Im going to say about that one.


The Character of Man in Bambi

Only You Can Prevent Wildfires: Okay so I borrowed Smokey Bear’s line. But I think that’s okay because I want to talk about wildfires for a moment and smokey bear story is all about that. If you don’t know, there was an actual bear named Smokey Bear. His story goes that when he was a cub he got caught up in a fast moving wildfire and tried to take refuge in a tree. He later was found with burned paws and hind legs. A rancher offered to take him home and then later a ranger with a wildlife service came and took him to someone that could treat his burns. He ended up living out the rest of his life quite happily at the National Zoo in Washington DC and died in 1976. But by that time he had become a Nationwide representative of preventing wildfires. And let me tell you something, as scary as a wild fire can be for humans, we are more capable of knowing when and how to get away from the fire, animals have a harder time. This is kind of close to home for me as I live in southern California very close to where a large fire called The Blue Cut fire raged out of control recently. The fire, at one point, was most likely only about 1/2 to 1 mile from my house. It has since been put out and my home neighborhood escaped safely; however, others a few miles away were not as lucky. In total 105 homes and around 100 more other buildings were lost. Many only had minutes to escape as the fire moved faster than even the local fire marshal had ever seen. In total, over 30,000 acres burned. The majority of that was in the first two days of the fire. Animals from all over the burned and evacuated areas were displaced, lost, or even killed, both wild animals and pets. I’ve lived in the area all my life and never seen anything like what I saw driving through that burned area after the fire. Everything was just black and houses were just gone. I say all this to point out that fires are dangerous to humans and animals and thus it is best to use fire safety. Keep fires in designated fire pits. If you go back country camping, find out what the rules that area has in effect for camp fires. And please do what you can to make sure to put out campfires all the way. When we go camping my dad and I dump a couple cooking pots of water on to the fire and make sure that the logs and ash in the fire is not glowing at all. It might take a few extra pots of water sometimes but that’s better than burning down the entire forest. Kids, don’t play with matches. And please everyone use cation and safety when dealing with fire. Okay, Ill come down off that soap box now.

Thumper’s Lessons: So, while most people only remember the first lesson Thumper repeats he actually is scolded three times in the movie and repeats 2 different lessons his father told him. He also sometimes just says things that are overall good advice. The first, and the one everyone remembers is: “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothin’ at all.” Thumper repeats this after being scolded for saying that Bambi doesn’t walk well. Earlier in the movie he also gets in trouble for saying that Bambi is kind of wobbly. The second lesson, as Thumper says is, “eating greens is a special treat…it makes long ears and great big feet…but it sure is awful stuff to eat…I made that last part up myself.” I love the simplicity of these lessons. They are so perfect for kids to understand. They point out that the things Thumper is saying and/or doing is not always right and then they point out the very lesson to be learned. Now, while this is great for the first the second one is not as easily applied. It kind of point out what a lot of kids think about vegetables…they aren’t good to eat but they are good for you. The problem with making this connection is if your like me then you might think that if you eat green vegetables then your ears will get long and you’ll have giant feet…meaning I wouldn’t want to eat them even more! Sounds kind of similar to turning into a donkey like in Pinocchio…good think I know that eating green vegetables keeps your ears from being pointy (Name that Disney movie!)

Get Up And Keep Going When Life Knocks You Down: Okay so I feel like this is kind of the lesson of Bambi’s life story and the key to surviving in the forest. So you really see this in this dramatic scene where after fighting off a pack of dogs Bambi tries to jump to safety but ends up getting shot as he jumps…yes for those of you that don’t remember, Bambi gets shot. That being said, there is then this scene where the raging fire is coming towards the injured Bambi laying on the ground and your thinking “Oh dear, how will Bambi ever survive?” (Ok, so maybe Ive exaggerated a little). Anyway, then “The Great Prince” comes along and tells Bambi to “Get up.” He actually says this three times with the last time being the most stern. Bambi does get up and The Great Prince leads him away across the body of water that all the animals are shown crossing, proving not only Bambi’s strength, but also how much he was willing to go through for Faline. But, I got to thinking, and I realized that this scene is a lesson in itself. Here life has landed Bambi minutes from literally burning to death after being shot but he eventually gets up. And ya, sometimes you need someone to tell you that you need to get up. Because when life knocks you down and you feel like your at the end of the rope holding you, its sometimes hard to realize that life can go on if you just get up and keep going. But that’s what friends and mentors are for, helping you through the tough times in life. And this isn’t the first time this happens to Bambi. When his mom dies he has to keep going as well, or else he won’t survive. Of course at the juncture The Great Prince largely pushes him forward and shows him how to get up and keep going but in both cases Bambi must learn to get up and keep going after life has knocked him down.

Wisdom Comes with Growth/Age: Okay, so at first I thought this one might be a bit of a stretch but then I realized it’s actually spelled out very clearly in the movie. I mean Bambi’s mother actually says of The Great Prince: “Everyone respects him. For of all the deer in the forest, not one has lived half so long. He’s very brave and very wise. That’s why he’s known as ‘The Great Price of the Forest’.” This line points out that he is at least twice as old as every other deer in the forest because his age has brought him wisdom. And it is for this reason that he is highly respected by every deer in the forest because he has the wisdom to continue surviving and he only gets wiser as time goes on. And his wisdom is proved in the very next scene as he is way up on a hill and can sense the danger to the other deer lurking in the meadow and runs back to warn them. I think it is for this reason that they have to kill of Bambi’s mother because the only way to actually learn everything you can from a wise elder is to actually be mentored by them and live night and day with them. So the movie is forced to kill off Bambi’s mother while he is too you to fend for himself so that his father, The Great Price, is kind of forced to mentor him (I say forced on a technicality as I don’t think this has ever happens in the wild as generally in this situation the fawn will end up dying. Perhaps occasionally another doe will take it in but males do not take in fawns in the wild for sure. So this idea is technically based on the human idea of fatherhood in which fathers usually care deeply for their children even if they can’t spend much time with them thus allowing Bambi’s father to feel forced to raise him because he actually cares). Anywho, it is only because of the mentorship that as Bambi ages he too gains wisdom daily and thus later has the wisdom and strength to fight off both Ronno and the dogs as well as get up when injured and run from the fire. The final moment of truth is at the very end of the movie when we see Bambi take his place next to his father when his twins are born signifying that Bambi is as wise as his father. In the next moment we see his father walk away leaving Bambi alone on the ledge overlooking the thicket signifying that Bambi has learned all his father has to teach him and thus with his age came a great wisdom. This is also true in real life as we age and begin to understand things like politics and crime among other things. As kids we are sheltered from reality but as we grow we see the truth about that reality and thus gain wisdom. Or sometimes we just learn obvious things…I mean can you imagine how shocked I was too find out that The Underground Railroad was not actually a railroad located underground or that Disney is spelled with a Y and not a P at the end?

Final Thoughts: I personally think that this is one of the most classic movies to ever come out of Disney Studios and on top of that gives a good set of messages, some of which were quite unpopular back in the day. I am actually kind of finding it a theme within Disney to put idea’s into it’s film that were a little before their time and its something that I think Disney has stuck to throughout its history (although, I suppose we will see as we get into more Disney movies!). That being said I really like most of  the messages in this film (although I do think they give a slightly skewed view of hunting) and I like that Disney was willing to jump on the wagon and point out how destructive man can be to nature in one of their first few films. I think this willingness to do things like this no matter how hard the message is to take, while still maintaining a kid friendly atmosphere is part of what has made Disney one of the most successful movie companies in history. Getting back to the actual film Bambi, I am also really impressed with how classic and great this movie is with such little dialog. It largely makes its point through animation and music which is just astounding to me. It truly is a great little movie despite its tough and sad moments.


My Personal Rating: 

Performance: 4.5/5

Emotion: 5/5

Quality: 4/5

Soundtrack: 5/5

Storyline: 4/5

Different: 4.5/5

Final Rating: 9/10


Just a peek into the animation behind Bambi. This man is Bill Justice, an animator for Disney who worked on Bambi. Disney wanted their work to be accurate so often animators had real live models in front of them. here Justice is visiting with a live Fawn.

So, what do you think of Bambi? Do you like it or not and do you think it shed light on how destructive man is to nature before this was a popular idea or not? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading my Bambi movie review and if you enjoyed it please let me know by liking, commenting and following me!😀

Also here are some place you can go to get some further info on animal behavior if anyone is interested (this is also were I got my info):




Also here is an interesting book to Movie Comparison I found (And Yes Bambi is now on my to-read list):

^This article also gave a link to an article about Smokey Bear which you can find here:

If you want some more information on the Blue Cut Fire here is a link to an article about both that fire and a fire that happened about a month earlier called the Pilot fire (this fire was about 5-10 miles from my home). It also contains some stats for fires in California in general:

Lastly, if you are interested in the dispute over rights to Bambi, Wikipedia summed it up pretty well in this article under the sub-heading “Copyright Dispute”:,_a_Life_in_the_Woods